The purpose of the TACTIC Team Evaluation is to provide a forum to assess a team’s effectiveness.

The TACTIC Team Evaluation includes 75 questions answered by each team member. The TACTIC Team Evaluation becomes an extensive 360 review of a team, by the team, and produces summaries that are critical to strengthen areas where the team may be under performing. The team can also be commended for areas of excellence.

Graphs and numerical scores are produced to help the Team Leader best understand the areas of the team needing focus. Staves of a barrel band together and their "fit" determines the level at which the barrel can hold water. So it is with teams. As the volume of a barrel can never exceed the lowest stave, it is essential for the Team Leader to understand areas that need to be strengthened to make the team more effective. This increases the team's capability and capacity.

A company can do a compilation of a team, a department, a division or a company as a whole.  A variety of reports can be produced upon request.

TACTIC Team Evaluation examines five broad and fifteen detailed areas of an effective team.

1) Competency – The ability to complete the team’s assigned tasks with excellence.

    Knowledge – Team members collectively having comprehensive understanding of all the details necessary to complete the team’s assignments.

    Skills – Competency in executing the team’s assignments.

    Experience – A team that includes members who have previously completed similar tasks with excellence

2) Character – A strong sense of morality that leads a person to do things correctly according to the law or company policy.  This includes a good reputation, a sincere caring for people and being faithful with assigned responsibilities.

    Honesty – Being truthful and upright in your dealings with fellow team members, reports and those in a supervisory role.  Sincere honesty is defined as both active and passive – telling the truth and not withholding the truth.

    Integrity – The possession of firm principles.  Having your behavior match your words.

    Courage – Being brave enough to take responsibility for your choices and a willingness to honestly discuss areas that could cause conflict.

3) Capacity – The blend of expectations and resources your team has to achieve its defined goals with maximum productivity.

    Team Members – Have a sufficient number of skilled team members on your team to accomplish the task at a sustainable pace.

    Resources – Have adequate equipment and expert personnel to support and enhance the success of your team.

    Opportunities – Training and mentoring available to equip each team member to advance professionally in their team or within the company.

4) Chemistry – The proper mixture of skills, personalities, leadership styles and resources that enable your team to be personally and professionally satisfied and productive.

    Dependable – A team consisting of reliable people who have the skills and passion to accomplish individual responsibilities in a timely manner to ensure the success of the team.

    Friendship – Team members moving from simply being team members to trusting and enjoying each other both at work and potentially during off work hours.

    Synergy – An environment where everyone’s ideas are heard and skills maximized so the team achieves its goals at the highest level.

5) Clarity – A team that possesses a complete understanding of what would define it as successful.

    Leadership – Team leadership should thoroughly understand the assigned goal and the avenues it takes to be successful in accomplishing that goal.

    Documentation – A written plan sharing the ultimate end goal should be given to each team member so there are no misunderstandings with vocabulary, timing or designated, specific contributions of team members.

    Projects – Clearly defined expectations for the team from the leadership that has assigned the project.  These objectives will be the basis upon which the team knows whether they have successfully finished the assignment or whether more time and effort is needed.

The TACTIC Team Evaluation can be taken by an individual, by a team with a summary for the team and anonymous team member reports, or by a team with a summary for the team and named team member reports.